Friday, August 22, 2008

McCain and "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques"

Andrew Sullivan had a piece yesterday about how the Bush definition of torture would apply to McCain's experiences.

Basically, he says that inder the Bush/Gonzalez definitoin of torture, what happened to John McCain at the "Hanoi Hilton" did not qualify as torture.

One wonders if McCain thought of that when he supported Bush's torture bill. Something to ponder: If torture works, then McCain collaborated with the enemy, in all likelihood. he can't be blamed for that, he was tortured. But if torture doesn't work, then it does more harm to us than good, because we act on information that is probably inaccurate.

When I was a kid, I learned, and believed, that America was better than the "bad guys" because we didn't torture POWs. I cannot fathom how badly America's image in the world has suffered because of this. We didn't torture Russian or Soviet-bloc spies when we were threatened with nuclear annhilation. Why would we start now?

These people who put forth this policy are the real un-Americans, and are as criminal as the "unlawful enemy combatants". I can't wait to see them gone, and I hope they can be prosecuted. Send Bush, Cheny, Rumsfeld, and Gonzales to Gitmo for a few days. See if they think that's torture.

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