Thursday, September 11, 2008

Obama's Tax Cut

53% of Americans believe that Obama's tax plan will raise their taxes.

The reality is, most Americans will have their taxes cut by Obama's plan. And now there is a nifty new site, not connected to the Obama Campaign, that helps you compute your tax savings in about 30 seconds. And it's pretty amazing.

Go to, and check it out. You'll be amazed.

Sarah Palin Interview-

Charlie Gibson interviewed her, lobbing softballs her way as if she were David Ortiz at batting practice.

Some highlights? Georgia joins NATO, Russia attacks Georgia, we're at war with Russia. Finally, we'll get to use those nukyoular weapons that have been sitting around gathering dust.

How does she feel about the Bush Doctrine. "The whaaa?" See the video on Talking Points Memo.

So, all you who are freaking about national polls: Chill. Work. Remember it's 50 national polls, and Obama is doing well enough to win just with the states in which he is polling ahead, let alone the states where the spread is within the margin of error. Obama's people have registered hundreds of thousands of voters in swing states, most of whom would not show up on a pollster's data base

And they have a turnout machine that is unrivaled.

Doesn't mean it will be easy. Doesn't mean it won't get wicked ugly...ok, uglier even than now, hard as it is to imagine. But at some point McCain has to explain how someone who has been part of the problem the last 8 years is going to change the game in Washington, with the sidekick who is less than plausible.

Oh yeah, and then there is the whole economy in the toilet thing. Hard for McCain to overcome that.

We'll win, if we all get out there and work for it.

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